AI won’t replace designers, but designers who use AI will replace those who don’t.

Similar to how calculators were once thought to replace mathematicians, many fear that AI will replace designers. However, this is a misconception. Just as calculators didn’t replace mathematicians, AI won’t replace designers either.

Instead, AI will offer you — designers, new tools and capabilities to increase their efficiency and creativity. In this post, we’ll explore why AI won’t replace designers, but rather enhance their work.

This blog is an attempt at the personal mission of mine at to build super-power designers who can become recession proof. So lets talk about how to embrace ChatGPT to become irreplaceable in your team.

Generate checklist for UI Design using ChatGPT 🔗

Creating a UI design checklist is a helpful tool for designers to ensure that all the necessary design elements are considered. With ChatGPT, designers can easily generate a comprehensive checklist that covers essential elements such as user flow, accessibility, color scheme, typography, consistency, and usability.

ChatGPT Prompt

Create a checklist for UI elements for a perfect [Screen / feature] in a table

Create a UI Checklist using ChatGPT

Create userflow for UX design 🔗

Picture this: You’ve just launched your latest product, and while it looks great on paper, you’re not getting the engagement you were hoping for. You scratch your head, wondering why users aren’t sticking around. This is where creating a user flow comes in. It’s the key to unlocking the mystery of how users interact with your product, helping you identify pain points and ultimately, improve the overall user experience.

By mapping out a user’s journey, you’ll gain insight into their goals, actions, and potential roadblocks. And here’s how you can use Chat GPT:

ChatGPT Prompt

Can you create user flow for a [app type]?

Create User Flows for Apps using ChatGPT

Generate Design System using ChatGPT 🔗

Design systems ensure consistency, efficiency, and quality in design work, but creating one can be complex and time-consuming. ChatGPT can help by generating a system tailored to your needs, covering typography, color palettes, layout grids, and iconography.

ChatGPT Prompt

Write a design system documentation for a [UI Element]? Represent in a table with the states like default, clicked, hover, active, focus, and disabled. Describe these states with design token (color, font)

Generate Design System using ChatGPT

Generate Color Palette using ChatGPT 🔗

By leveraging the power of AI, ChatGPT develops a range of colors that are tailored to your brand’s personality and style, saving you time and energy.

ChatGPT Prompt

Write a design system documentation for a [UI Element]? Represent in a table with the states like default, clicked, hover, active, focus, and disabled. Describe these states with design token (color, font)

Prepare User Interview questions 🔗

Prepare for user interviews like a pro with ChatGPT. Get insights on the best questions to ask and how to structure your interviews, all in one place. Elevate your user research game today.

ChatGPT Prompt

Generate a user interview questions for an [Idea/App].

Build User Persona using ChatGPT 🔗

Create effective marketing campaigns and understand your audience betterm by building user personas with ChatGPT. Gain valuable insights on demographics, behaviors, and motivations.

ChatGPT Prompt

Can you create a user persona for an [App/Website]? Represent in a table.

Use ChatGPT to write website copies (UX Writing) 🔗

Are you tired of generic website copy that fails to engage your audience? I was too, until I tried ChatGPT. Now, I’m able to design better because I no longer use Lorem Ipsums. With ChatGPT’s AI-powered capabilities, you can generate personalized and high-quality content that perfectly fits your brand and speaks to your target audience. Give this prompt a try and elevate your website’s user experience with compelling copy.

ChatGPT Prompt

You’re a UX writer now. Generate 10 versions of 404 error message for a [App/Website].

Use ChatGPT to write website copies and do ux writing

Speak with annoying clients 🔗

We can now use ChatGPT to generate a message that is professional and tactful, while also expressing their need for payment in a clear and concise manner. It was worked wonders for me to handle some annoying clients.

ChatGPT Prompt

Negotiate with a client who hasn’t paid me the final amount even after delivering the project. Can you generate a message I can send him?

Write emails and messages using ChatGPT

Summing up 🔗

In summary, the concern that AI will replace designers is unfounded. Just like calculators did not replace mathematicians, AI won’t replace designers. Instead, AI offers designers new tools and capabilities to increase their efficiency and creativity.

I created this as a prompt cheatsheet blog to help you accelerate your design workflow. It is a part of our mission at to empower designers to become recession-proof and enhance their work.

Cheers! You’re Breathtaking!